HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.6.1-00 CLI Reference Guide

Addressing errors that occur during use of the batch
functionality (if the target storage system is other than an
XP24000/XP20000, or is an XP24000/XP20000 whose
microcode version is earlier than 60-02-00-00/00)
If an error occurs during batch processing, processing immediately stops, and subsequent commands
are not processed. Check the point up to which the batch file content was processed. To handle the
unprocessed commands, re-create the batch file, and then retry the batch operation.
To address an error that occurs during batch processing:
1. Execute the AddStorageArray command or RefreshStorageArrays command.
The path information from the host to the volume is updated.
2. Execute the GetStorageArray command to check which command lines in the batch file were
applied to the storage system.
The command processing during batch functionality execution is not performed in the order
described in the batch file. All lines need to be checked to determine which command lines in
the batch file were applied.
3. Delete the command lines applied to the storage system from the batch file.
4. Check and, if necessary, revise the command line that was not processed, and then re-create the
batch file.
5. Execute the batch functionality again.
When an error occurs during batch functionality execution (if
the target storage system is an XP24000/XP20000 whose
microcode version is 60-02-00-00/00 or later)
If an error occurs on the Device Manager server during batch processing, check the Device Manager
CLI error message, and then take corrective actions according to the error code. The error message
is displayed as shown below. The Device Manager server error code is displayed for error code,
and the storage system error code is displayed for description.
KAIC90083-E Device Manager Server Exception:
error code= code
error level= level
error source= source
description= description
CLI Reference Guide 455