HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.0-00 User Guide

Output for the specified copy group (mainframe system managed by HP StorageWorks P9000 for
Business Continuity Manager Software):
[hostName=host-name prefix=prefix groupName=copy-group-name]
[{hour=number-of-hours | day=number-of-days}]
Pair management server or host name.
Instance number (cannot be specified with prefix).instanceNumber
Prefix (cannot be specified with instanceNumber).prefix
Copy group name.
Hours to be displayed (cannot be specified with day).hour
Days to be displayed (cannot be specified with hour).day
Return values
Normal termination0
An error occurred1
The information output by GetCTDelta is as follows:
Date / Time, Pair Mangement Server / Host, Configuration File(see Note) / Prefix, Copy Group,
CTG, C/T Delta
If you output the C/T delta history for a copy group defined in a device group, n/a is output for the
Pair Management Server and Configuration File.
Sample commands and outputs are included here.
Without options
Date / Time,Pair Management Server / Host,Configuration File / Prefix,Copy Group,CTG,C/T Delta
Tue Jul 03 11:02:12 JST 2012,hcdg05,horcm1302.conf,UR001,,0
Tue Jul 03 11:04:08 JST 2012,hcdg05,horcm1302.conf,UR001,,0
Tue Apr 17 22:43:33 JST 2012,XX01,HRPM.TEST.C1,UR2,22-22,0
Tue Apr 17 22:48:33 JST 2012,XX01,HRPM.TEST.C1,UR2,21-21,0
User Guide 447