HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor Software v5.4 Troubleshooting and FAQs Guide (T1789-96336, April 2012)

Array type not seen in P9000Watch
If the array type for a particular DKC serial number is not displayed in P9000Watch, it might be due
to the command device being non-functional or not created.
To verify, run getxpperf with the command device name.
For example: ./getxpperf /dev/rdisk/c0d0t1, where /dev/rdisk/c0d0t1 is the command
device name.
For Windows host agent, the getxpperf tool is present in the <Installation_directory>:\
xppa\hostagent\sbin folder.
For non-Windows host agent, the getxpperf tool is present in the \opt\xppa\hostagent\sbin
If you see errors related to the command device, such as the Attach command error, it implies that
the command device is corrupted and needs to be recreated.
P9000Watch has missing ports
If XP Watch has missing ports, do the following:
1. Verify if all the ports presented through SLPR0 are seen as an output of P9000Watch.
Not all ports are displayed when the Wagent update is performed or missed out.
2. Delete the cache files (wagent.iomap and wagent_’serialnum’.xpmap).
3. Re-run XPwatch ti verify if all the ports presented through SLPR0 are present in the output.
CLUI issues
This section describes the troubleshooting scenarios for CLUI software.
CLUI commands fail if invalid user credentials are given during CLUI installation
CLUI commands fail with Invalid username/password error if invalid user name and/or password
are given, or if the user name and/or password fields are left blank during CLUI installation. CLUI
commands also fail giving java exception error if you insert special characters like hyphen (-),
underscore (_), double quotes () instead of colon (:) in between your user name and password during
the installation. (The format for providing the user credentials is username:password).
Troubleshooting P9000 Performance Advisor issues40