HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor Software v5.4 Troubleshooting and FAQs Guide (T1789-96336, April 2012)

Update the property file with valid user credentials. (To know the definition of a valid user, refer to
the HP StorageWorks Performance Advisor P9000 Command-line User Interface Reference Guide).
To update the property file:
1. Open the Command Prompt (DOS prompt in Windows).
2. If CLUI is installed on a Windows platform, in the Command Prompt window, navigate to C:\
Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Performance Advisor\clui directory location. If
CLUI is installed on an AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Sun Solaris platform, navigate to /opt/xppa/clui
directory location.
3. If CLUI is installed on a Windows platform, in the Command Prompt window, type proputility.bat
-i at the C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Performance Advisor\clui prompt
and press the Enter key.
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Performance Advisor\clui> proputil-
ity.bat -i
If CLUI is installed on an AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Sun Solaris platform, type proputility.bat -i at the
/opt/xppa/clui prompt and press the Enter key.
/opt/xppa/clui> proputility.bat -i
The following text is displayed in the same command prompt window. You are also prompted
to modify the existing settings as applicable. In addition to prompting you for enabling the IPv6
and SSL settings, and modify the IP address of the management station, you are also prompted
to modify the existing user name and password.
This utility creates and maintains the wrapper.properties file.
You may hit enter to keep the current (or default) values for each entry.
Would you like to Enable IPv6? y or n. [n]:
Enter the Management Station name or IP:
Have you installed and configured Secure Socket Layer (SSL) on
the management station's web server? Enabling SSL is optional
and not required to run Performance Advisor. y or n. [n]:
Enter a username and password pair
<use the form user:passwd>:
4. Enter the correct user name and password, and press the Enter key. You are displayed an inform-
ational message that the properties file is updated.
CLUI command gives Java error
CLUI (Command Line User Interface) commands fail with the error: "Exception in thread "main"
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.
Increase the Java size by adding new java options -xms & -xmx for the failed command. To increase
the Java heap size for a batch file:
1. Open the batch file from: <install directory>:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Performance Ad-
2. Replace the following line:
%javacmd% -Djava.cmd=%javacmd% -Dinstall.dir="%installdir%" -cp
%classpath% com.hp.xpsl.clui.XpPaCli %COMMAND% %*
HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor Software Frequently Asked Questions 41