HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor Software v5.4 Troubleshooting and FAQs Guide (T1789-96336, April 2012)

I have generated and installed a permanent frame license for a new XP or P9000
disk array. Why does the P9000 Performance Advisor License screen not display
the corresponding license details?
The corresponding license details are not displayed on the P9000 Performance Advisor License screen,
because you have not performed a configuration data collection for the new XP or P9000 disk array
(unmonitored XP or P9000 disk array). Perform a configuration data collection for your XP or P9000
disk array to view the license details in the View License Status section on the License screen.
How can I obtain a term or emergency licenses?
Contact your HP Representative. Term and emergency licenses are used in exception cases only.
Can a combination of permanent, term, and emergency licenses be used for an
XP or P9000 disk array?
Yes. You can use a combination of the above mentioned license types for an XP or P9000 disk array,
as P9000 Performance Advisor maintains an aggregate of the licensed capacity. The License screen
shows expiry dates for different types of licenses that you may have associated with an XP or P9000
disk array.
Can a term license key be installed for an XP or P9000 disk array when an
emergency license key is already installed for that array?
Yes. You can install a term license key when an emergency license key is already installed for that
Where can I view the individual license details?
Click View Details for an XP or P9000 disk array record on the License screen to view the associated
individual license details in the View License Detail section.
What does permitted volumes mean? Should it be the same as licensed capacity?
No. Permitted Volumes displayed in the View License Detail section for a specific XP or P9000 disk
array are not the same as the Licensed Capacity. Permitted Volumes refers to the capacity of a single
license key. The aggregate of the permitted volumes is displayed as the actual license capacity (TB).
For example, consider that there is a permanent license and a term license installed on a given XP or
P9000 disk array. The permitted volumes (TB) installed are 20 TB and 24 TB respectively. In this case,
the actual license capacity (TB) is calculated as 44 TB.
If two term licenses are generated to monitor 36 TB and additional 10 TB for
an XP disk array, and the 10 TB disk capacity is later removed from the XP disk
array, will P9000 Performance Advisor stop monitoring the 10 TB data even
when the term license for 10 TB is still valid?
Yes. P9000 Performance Advisor stops collecting performance data for the additional 10 TB disk
capacity, as it is physically removed from the XP disk array. It continues to collect performance data
for only the current disk capacity, which is 36 TB. However, you can still view historic data that was
maintained when P9000 Performance Advisor was collecting performance data for the 10 TB disk
HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor Software Frequently Asked Questions 55