HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor Software v5.5 User Guide (T1789-96337, Februrary 2013)

NOTE: The data for the following metrics sorts in the ascending order:
Host Group
Chip Port ID
Cont. Access.
The remaining metrics sorts in the descending order.
Array View LDEV table - Sort By options (page 214) describes the sorting options based on which
you can sort the data in the LDEV table.
Table 20 Array View LDEV table - Sort By options
DescriptionScreen elements
This is the default selection, where the LDEV data is sorted
based on the average read response time of all the LDEVs.
Avg Read Resp (msec)
The LDEVs with the highest response time are displayed
Select ACP Pair ID to sort LDEV data based on the ACP
ACPs Pair ID
Select Backend Transfer to sort LDEV data based on the
number of tracks transferred on the backend.
Backend Transfer
Select CHIP Port ID to sort LDEV data based on the ports
connected to the selected XP or P9000 disk array.
Select Cont. Access to sort LDEV data based on the
continuous access volumes.
Cont. Access
Select Emulation to sort LDEV data based on the emulation
data for all the LDEVs. An array group is divided into open
volumes of equal size. These volumes are referred to as
emulation types. If HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor
cannot determine the emulation type, appears. This does
not affect performance data collection.
NOTE: The host group names are not displayed and the
CHIP Port ID column displays Not Mapped for mainframe
volumes in XP24000 Disk Arrays.
Select Ext-LUN to sort LDEV data based on the external
arrays exposed through a particular LUN on the XP or
P9000 disk array.
Select Host Group to sort LDEV data based on the host
groups (does not apply to the XP48 Disk Array).
Host Group
Select Jnl Group to sort LDEV data based on the journal
volume pool IDs.
Jnl Group
NOTE: The Jnl Group sort option is displayed only if the
journal groups are configured in the selected XP or P9000
disk array.
Select LDEV MB/s to sort LDEV data based on the frontend
throughput (MB/s) of the LDEVs.
LDEV MB/s - Frontend
214 Viewing XP and P9000 disk array components