XPWatch and XPSketch Reference guide for HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor

Table 3 lists the Miscellaneous options available in the HP XP P9000Watch interface and their
Table 3 Miscellaneous options
To change the settings of HP XP P9000Watch.Settingss
To view the Nickname menu.Nickname Menux
Executing commands in CLI mode
If none of the below mentioned commands are provided, HP XP P9000Watch is executed in
the Interactive mode.
Syntax conventions
Table 8 lists the symbols that are used to depict command syntax. This table supplements the
conventions described in “Typographic conventions ” (page 73).
Table 4 Syntax conventions
Indicates optional items.
For example, if this is given in the syntax [-f <filename>],
then it implies that it is an optional parameter and you can
execute the command without this parameter.
[ ]
Indicates a value that you define.
For example, –s <array-serial number> will have the value
–s 10090
< >
Separates mutually exclusive choices. Type one of the
For example, –l <all|ldev-list> implies that you can either
select all the LDEVs or you can specifically list the LDEVs
as –l 00:01,00:02
You can execute the following commands to use HP XP P9000Watch in the CLI mode:
./xpwatch –c –s <array-serial number> –hg <host-groups> [–f <filename>] [–a <frequency for
archiving data>] –hrs <number of hours for execution> —min <number of minutes for execution>
To view the HP XP P9000Watch in CLI mode.—c
To specify the XP or P9000 disk array serial number.—s
To specify the host group which has to be monitored. You
can provide multiple entries for host groups.
NOTE: There should be no space in between the comma
separating the host groups.
For example, –hg Node7,Node8
This is an optional parameter. It is used to specify the .csv
filename. If this option is not specified, the archive file
(.csv file) will not be created.
This is an optional parameter. It is used to specify the
frequency of archiving data in the .csv file. If this option
is not specified then the previously specified value shall be
used. For more information, see Table 11 (page 37).
18 Working with HP XP P9000Watch menus and commands