XPWatch and XPSketch Reference guide for HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor

./xpwatch –c –s <array-serial number> –w <wwns> [–f <filename>] [–a <frequency for archiving
data>] –hrs <number of hours for execution> —min <number of minutes for execution>
To view the HP XP P9000Watch in CLI mode.—c
To specify the XP or P9000 disk array serial number.—s
To view the list of WWNs in the comma separated format.
NOTE: There should be no space in between the comma
separating the WWNs.
For example, —w 500143800081fba0,
This is an optional parameter. It is used to specify the .csv
filename. If this option is not specified, the archive file
(.csv file) will not be created.
This is an optional parameter. It is used to specify the
frequency of archiving data in the .csv file. If this option
is not specified then the previously specified value shall be
used. For more information, see Table 11 (page 37).
This parameter is used to specify the number of hours for
which HP XP P9000Watch must be active.
This parameter is used to specify the number of minutes
for which HP XP P9000Watch must be active.
The .csv file is generated and placed in the same location where you initially copied
XPWatch.exe and wagent.exe files.
NOTE: For the –f option, do not specify the file extension in the command prompt window.
It is mandatory to specify either the —hrs or —min option. You can also specify both the options.
HP XP P9000Watch enables you to monitor and customize performance data of P-VOLs, S-VOLs,
continuous access journal groups, ports, RAID groups, LDEVs, and host groups through different
menus. They are:
Array menu (page 20)
Sync/Async Metrics (page 21)
CA Journal Metrics (page 23)
Host Groups (page 25)
Nickname menu (page 28)
Port menu (page 32)
Pick LDEVs/RAID Groups selection scheme (page 33)
RAID Group menu (page 33)
LDEV menu (page 34)
Settings menu (page 35)
Array menu
The Array menu appears after you start HP XP P9000Watch. This menu lists all the XP and the
P9000 disk arrays that are connected to the host.
20 Working with HP XP P9000Watch menus and commands