HP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.2 CLI Reference Guide

[ common-option ]
[ { -f | --force } ]
[ { -e | --execute } ]
[ guardmode={ ReadOnly | Protect } ]
[ retentiondays=locked-period ]
[ movetomigrationgroupname=target-migration-group-name-after-locking ]
[ notifytourl=event-notification-address ]
[ description=task-description ]
-f or --force
Specify this option to create a locking task without confirmation.
To require a response to a confirmation message before creating a locking task, omit this option.
-e or --execute
Specify this option to execute the created locking task immediately.
If this option is omitted, the locking task will be placed in Standby status.
Table 48 Parameters of the CreateLockingTask command
Specify the name of the storage domain.
Specify the name of the migration group.
Specify the locking method to be applied when the locking task is executed. You
can specify either of the following Data Retention Utility's guard attributes:
ReadOnly: Protected from write operations (default)
Protect: Protected from read and write operations
Specify the number of days until the task can unlock the volume (the locked period).
The default is 0.
You can specify an integer from -1 to 21900. Specify -1 to set an infinite retention
Specify the name of the target migration group for a volume whose locking has
been completed.
Specify the address to be notified when the event occurs.
Specify a value by combining mailto: and the email address.
Specify a description of the task.
[ ]: Specifying this parameter is optional.
CLI Reference Guide 111