HP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.2 CLI Reference Guide

htsmcli [ server-location] CancelTask
[ common-option ]
[ --emergency ]
When specified, this option forcibly terminates the tasks and volume tasks that have been waiting
(tasks on Standby) in the storage domain for which refreshing failed.
If you omit this option, the tasks and volume tasks are not forcibly terminated.
Specifying --emergency option when Device Manager or the storage system is running normally
causes the task volume to remain reserved, creating an inconsistency between Tiered Storage Manager
management information and Device Manager or storage system information. After executing this
option, take one of the following actions:
When there is a target storage system
Refresh the storage system using Device Manager.
When there is no target storage system
Delete the storage system from Device Manager.
Table 72 Parameters of the CancelTask command
Specify the task ID.
The task ID is displayed as an ID attribute when task information is output by
executing the GetTasks command or another command.
Output items
Nothing is output by this command.
Example and execution results
Command execution example:
In this example, the task whose ID is TK1ev677gu is cancelled.
htsmcli CancelTask id=TK1ev677gu
CLI Reference Guide 145