HP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.2 CLI Reference Guide

For example, if there are five volumes issuing a stop request, the time required to finish processing
for all the volumes takes five times as long to respond than a stop request for just one volume.
Output items
Nothing is output by this command.
Example and execution results
Command execution example:
In this example, the task whose task ID is TK1ev677gu is stopped.
htsmcli StopTask id=TK1ev677gu
Execution results:
No information is output by this command.
The DeleteTasks command can be used to delete a task, specified by the id parameter, that has
the ended status (End).
You can specify a range of tasks using the status parameter, which indicates the task status. You
can also specify a type of task.
Furthermore, you can use any dates linked to the task, such as the creation date or end date, to specify
a range of tasks, such as the following:
Tasks created (or ended) on or before the specified base date
Tasks created (or ended) on or after the specified base date
Tasks created (or ended) on the specified base date
htsmcli [ server-location] DeleteTasks
[ common-option ]
[ { -f | --force } ]
[ { id=task-ID |
[ { storagedomainname=storage-domain-name
[ migrationgroupname=migration-group-name ]
[ targetstoragetiername=target-storage-tier-name ]
| subsystemname=storage-system-name } ]
[ status=status [ ,status ]... ]
[ [ datetype = { Creation | End } ]
[ direction={ Before | After | Just } ] ]
[ tasktype={ Migration | Shredding | Locking
| Unlocking | VolumeCreation | ExternalMapping } ] } ]
Details of CLI commands148