HP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.2 CLI Reference Guide

htsmserver.location property
This property specifies the location of the Tiered Storage Manager server.
For details about how to specify the location of the Tiered Storage Manager server, see CLI command
syntax on page 31.
option.username property
This property specifies the name used to log on to the Tiered Storage Manager server.
For details about how to specify the value of this property, see the explanation of the --username
option in Options common to all CLI commands on page 33.
option.password property
This property specifies the password that corresponds to the user specified for the option.username
For details about how to specify the value of this property, see the explanation of the --password
option in Options common to all CLI commands on page 33.
You can specify a password by specifying plain text for the option.password property or by
specifying an encoded character string for the option.password2 property. HP recommends that
you specify an encoded character string. For details about how to encode a password, see Encoding
the password in the property file or password file on page 23.
option.password2 property
The htsmaccount command can be used to set this property to an encoded password that
corresponds to the user specified for the option.username property.
For details about how to encode a password, see Encoding the password in the property file or
password file on page 23.
The path to a text file that contains an encoded password can be specified using an absolute path,
or a relative path from the CLI installation directory.
If both the option.password and option.password2 properties are specified in the property
file, the option.password2 property takes priority.
option.output property
This property specifies the file name to which the standard output is to be redirected.
For details about how to specify the value of this property, see the explanation of the --output
option in Options common to all CLI commands on page 33.
option.secure property
This property specifies whether to use SSL communication for communication between the Tiered
Storage Manager server and the CLI.
This property is not included in the default property file created when the CLI is installed.
CLI property files176