HP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.2 CLI Reference Guide

Recommended actionCauseProblem
Specify the directory containing the
htsmcli.properties file in the en-
vironment variable HTSM_CLI_HOME.
The environment variable
HTSM_CLI_HOME has not been
Specify the path of the java command
in the environment variable
HTSM_CLI_JRE_PATH is not specified,
perform the following:
In Windows, add the folder contain-
ing java.exe to the environment
variable PATH.
In Solaris, HP-UX, or Linux, add the
directory containing java to the
environment variable PATH.
The path to java.exe (or
java) has been specified incor-
rectly or has not been specified.
An error indicating that the spe-
cified command was not found
In Windows, make the date and time
properties and the environment variable
TZ the same as those on the
management server.
In Solaris, HP-UX, or Linux, make the
environment variable TZ the same as
that on the management server.
The time settings on the manage-
ment client differ from those on
the management server.
Times, such as the task creation
time, that are displayed by the CLI
on the management client do not
match those displayed by the GUI
or by the CLI on the management
Unlock the volumes in the external
storage system, and then shred them.
Remote Web Console was used
in an external storage system to
lock volumes.
Shredding cannot be performed
after migration.
Unlock the volumes in the external
storage system, and then perform mi-
Remote Web Console was used
in an external storage system to
lock volumes.
When a migration task is ex-
ecuted, migration does not occur.
Make sure that the email address is
specified correctly. If it is, make sure
that a connection to the SMTP server is
established. If not, set the correct SMTP
authentication user information.
The following are possible
A connection to the SMTP
server has not been estab-
SMTP authentication failed.
The specified email address
is invalid.
Email is not sent when a specified
elapsed-period event occurs.
Set the client PC's time and time zone
so that they match the server.
The start and end times used by
the migration task management
are based on the management
server's time. This problem oc-
curred because the client PC's
time does not match the man-
agement server's time.
During Daylight Saving Time, the
operation start and end times dis-
played in the command execution
result are not in Daylight Saving
Specify the directory and file name of
the electronic certificate file in the envir-
onment variable
The path of the electronic certi-
ficate has been specified incor-
rectly or has not been specified.
Although -s or --secure is spe-
cified, SSL communication is un-