HP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.2 CLI Reference Guide

Status of the specified volumeDisplayed character string
The volume is used as a command device.
Command Device
The volume is one of the following:
The volume is part of a Continuous Access pair,
and the status is neither PSUS nor PSUE.
The volume is part of a Hitachi TrueCopy for
Mainframe pair, and the status is not suspended.
Continuous Access Asynchronous Status
< Continuous Access XP Asynchronous
Status >
The volume is one of the following:
The volume is part of a Continuous Access Journal
pair, and the status is either COPY or PAIR.
The volume is part of a Hitachi Universal Replicator
for Mainframe pair, and the status is either
Pending duplex or Duplex.
The volume is a Continuous Access Journal journal
The volume is a Hitachi Universal Replicator for
Mainframe journal volume.
Continuous Access Journal Status
< Continuous Access XP Journal Status >
The volume is one of the following:
The volume is part of a Continuous Access pair,
and the status is other than PSUS , PSUE, or PAIR.
The volume is part of a Continuous Access Syn-
chronous pair, and the status is not suspended.
The volume is in an XP12000/XP10000/SVS200,
and a part of an XP Continuous Access Software
pair, and the status is PAIR.
The volume is in an XP12000/XP10000/SVS200,
and a part of a Hitachi TrueCopy for Mainframe
pair, and the status is Duplex.
Continuous Access Synchronous Status
< Continuous Access XP Synchronous
Status >
The volume is using the external storage system func-
tion, which is locked by Data Retention Utility (not
Externally Locked
The volume has already been reserved as a migration
This includes the volumes migrated by Performance
Migration Reserved
Information for the volume cannot be acquired.
Not Acquired Volume Information
The volume is a system drive.
System Disk
The volume is one of the following:
The volume is the P-VOL of a Snapshot pair, its
status is PAIR, and the number of generations is
The volume is the P-VOL of a Snapshot pair and
its status is not PAIR.
The volume is the V-VOL of a Snapshot pair.
The volume is the POOL of a Snapshot pair.
XP Snapshot Status
CLI Reference Guide 193