HP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.2 CLI Reference Guide

If a value consists of an element that contains one or more commas
Enclose the element in single quotation marks, and then add another single quotation mark for each
single quotation mark. After that, enclose the entire value in single quotation marks. The following
example shows how to specify an element that contains a comma:
Example - When an element contains a comma (e.g., A,B):
1. Enclose the element A,B in single quotation marks (i.e., 'A,B').
2. Add another single quotation mark for each single quotation mark (i.e., ''A,B'').
3. Enclose the element ''A,B'' in single quotation marks (i.e., '''A,B''').
If a value consists of an element that contains one or more single quotation marks
Add another single quotation mark for each single quotation mark. Next, enclose the element in single
quotation marks, and then add another single quotation mark for each single quotation mark. After
that, enclose the entire value in single quotation marks. The following example shows how to specify
an element that contains a single quotation mark:
Example - When an element includes one single quotation mark (e.g., C'D):
1. Add another single quotation mark for each single quotation mark (i.e., C''D).
2. Enclose the element C''D in single quotation marks (i.e., 'C''D').
3. Add another single quotation mark for each single quotation mark (i.e., ''C''''D'').
4. Enclose the element ''C''''D'' in single quotation marks (i.e., '''C''''D''').
If a value consists of multiple elements that contain commas or single quotation marks
Add another single quotation mark for each single quotation mark. Next, enclose each element in
single quotation marks, and then add another single quotation mark for each single quotation mark.
Then, use a comma and a space character to separate the elements. After that, enclose the entire
value in single quotation marks. The following example shows how to specify a value:
Example - When a value consists of multiple elements (e.g., A,B and C'D):
1. As shown in the above examples, specify the element A,B as ''A,B'', and the element C'D
as ''C''''D''.
2. Insert a comma and a space between the elements (i.e., ''A,B'', ''C''''D'').
3. Enclose the entire value in single quotation marks (i.e., '''A,B'', ''C''''D''').
Properties overview
This section provides an overview of the properties for filter conditions expressions that can be specified
for given management targets (volumes, pools, or unused capacity).
Table 5 Overview of properties that can be specified for volume filter condition expressions
DescriptionProperty name
The parity group usage rate
The maximum parity group usage rate
Filter conditions that can be used in the CLI40