HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.1-00 Application Agent CLI Reference Guide

2. The command performs disk resynchronization to restore the backup data from a secondary
volume to the primary volume.
3. The command brings the disk resource online, and then brings the cluster resource, including
databases, online.
If ONLINE is set in CLU_MSCS_RESTORE in the Application Agent configuration definition file
(init.conf), you can perform restoration of a user database while the cluster resources are online
by specifying the -resync option. In this case, the cluster resource that manages the instance to be
restored cannot be taken offline. However, if the restoration target is a system database (master,
model, msdb, or distribution) or a database that contains a system database, restoration will be
performed offline.
In restoration, data on the primary volume is overwritten by the disk image of the secondary volume
at the time a backup is performed. Therefore, data on the primary volume that was created or updated
after the backup is invalid.
When you attempt to restore a system database (master, model, msdb, or distribution) for SQL server,
the SQL server service to be restored needs to be stopped to recover the system database. The database
to be restored cannot be accessed temporarily.
During command execution, from another computer such as an application server, you should not
connect to the database that was restored. If another server connects to the database during command
execution, the command might fail.
When you restore an SQL Server system database, to recover the system database, temporarily stop
the SQL Server service on which restore operations are to be performed. For this reason, temporarily,
you cannot access the database on which restore operations are to be performed. Do not connect to
the SQL Server during a restoration. If you connect to a database that is being restored during
command execution, the system repeats checking the processing status for the number of times specified
in the Application Agent configuration definition file init.conf (in the retry count and retry interval
used when checking the status of a processing parameter). In this case, if the user is disconnected
during repeated checks of the processing status, the command resumes.
When you execute this command to perform a restoration, if the name of the drive making up the
SQL Server database has changed since backup was performed, the command will fail. Before
performing restoration, with the drmsqlcat command or SQL Server Enterprise Manager, check the
corresponding drive name of the restoration destination.
If the physical disk partition style is changed after a backup, and then the command is executed, the
command result will vary as follows.
Table 44 Physical disk partition style and the command execution result
Command execution resultAfter a backupBefore a backup
Command statusSecondary volumePrimary volumePrimary volume
Normal terminationMBR disk
MBR disk
MBR disk
Error (KAVX5171-E or KAVX5137-E
After resynchronizing
GPT disk
Error (DRM-10337 message)
Before resynchronizing
MBR disk
GPT disk
Error (DRM-10337 message)
Before resynchronizing
GPT disk
Application Agent CLI Reference Guide 183