HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.1-00 Application Agent CLI Reference Guide

Details to be checkedItem name
The Exchange Server name or virtual server name exists.
If SET_DRM_HOSTNAME is set to 1, the value of DB_SERVER_NAME
matches the database server name set in DRM_DB_PATH of the Applica-
tion Agent configuration definition file init.conf.
A hyphen (-) is specified.INSTANCE_NAME
A storage group name exists.
The specified directory exists.
#2, #3
An absolute path is specified.
The specified directory name does not contain a delimiter character (\
The directory name is not specified as only one period (.) or two periods
The root directory is not specified.
A value of 0 or 1 is specified.SET_DRM_HOSTNAME
This item is checked only for Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.
Specification of the folder name is not case sensitive.
This item is checked only if the -bk option is specified.
The table below lists the directories that are automatically created by the checking tool.
Table 18 Directories automatically created by EX_DRM_EXG_DEF_CHECK
Temporary directory for extended commands
is executed
When the directory where dictionary map files are stored is H:PTM, and
the operation ID is Operation_A, the extended command temporary dir-
ectory is H:\script_work\Operation_A\DB.
Database server
Backup server
The prerequisites for executing this extended command are as follows:
Application Agent commands can be executed by a user account currently logged on to Windows.
Application Agent CLI Reference Guide 71