HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.1-00 Application Agent CLI Reference Guide

When only a drive name is specified, this command searches for unused drives in alphabetical order,
and mounts the secondary volume onto the specified drive. When a drive is specified by a path
including a drive letter, this command mounts the volume onto path-specified-in-mount_point\
drive-letter-of-primary-volume\mount-point-of-primary-volume. For example, if
the primary volume is mounted on M:\MNT, and S:\SVOLMNT is specified with the -mount_pt
option, the secondary volume is mounted on S:SVOLMNT\M\MNT.
The mount point directory name must satisfy the following:
Maximum number of characters: Path lengths to be specified must comply with the specifications
of the mount and unmount functions provided by RAID Manager.
Available characters: Characters that can be used in a directory name in Windows (excluding
space characters).
If you specify a drive for the mount point directory name, the command searches for unused drive
names in alphabetical order, starting with the specified drive, and then performs the mount.
If you specify an absolute path from the drive letter as the mount point directory name, the command
mount point is as follows:
Even if the path does not end with a backslash (\), the command assumes that a backslash has been
specified. For example, D: and D:\ are assumed to be the same drive. Similarly, D:\MOUNTDIR
and D:\MOUNTDIR\ are assumed to be the same directory.
If you omit this option, a drive that is not being used when the extended command is executed is used
as the mount point.
Specify this option to perform a forced mount. If you specify this option together with the -mount_pt
option, you must specify the options in the following order: -mount_pt, -force.
If the copy group name of the primary volume obtained at the time of backup processing on the
database server matches the information on the database server, forced resynchronization is performed.
This operation is executed even if the LDEV and SERIAL numbers do not match the LDEV and SERIAL
numbers from the time backup processing was performed.
Specify this option to perform a forced mount on a secondary volume using only the copy group name
of the primary volume as a key. Examples of when you might want to execute this operation include
when replacing a secondary volume because of a hardware failure, or when an LDEV number or
SERIAL number has changed. If you specify this option for normal restoration, data might be corrupted.
If you omit this option, the extended command terminates with an error without mounting if the copy
group name, LDEV number, and SERIAL number of the primary volume do not match the information
on the backup server. (These values are acquired when the database is backed up.)
Return Values
0: Normal termination
Any value other than 0: Termination with an error
Conditions Causing an Error
This extended command fails in the following cases:
An invalid option is specified.
Application Agent CLI Reference Guide 79