HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.1-00 Application Agent CLI Reference Guide

To unmount the mounted secondary volume, use the drmumount command.
Specify this option to check the status of a secondary volume on a backup server. This option must
be specified concurrently with the -s option. Checking the status of a secondary volume prevents
backup or restoration failures. The items, volumes, and conditions to be checked are described in the
following table.
Table 26 Status check of a secondary volume
Check condition
Volume to be
Check item
Checked when a primary volume is defined in pairs with
multiple generations of secondary volumes and any of the
following items is applicable:
A primary volume is a cluster resource.
A primary volume is a dynamic disk.
A backup using VSS is performed.
All secondary
volumes defined for
a backup-target
primary volume
A secondary volume
is hidden from a
backup server
Always checked.
The secondary
volume to be the next
backup destination
A secondary volume
is not mounted on a
backup server
Make sure that no other volume is mounted on the directory of the volume to be backed up when
performing an online backup. If a mounted volume exists, an online backup error occurs.
The backup information in the backup catalog is managed by using a copy group as a key. De-
pending on the backup method, you might not be able to perform restoration, even though the
backup data exists on the secondary volume. For further information, see the notes on running
Application Agent in the
HP P9000 Replication Manager Software Application Agent CLI User
Backup in a cluster configuration is supported.
Return Values
0: Normal termination
Any value other than 0: Termination with an error
In this example, the command is used to perform a cold backup for the entire D drive:
PROMPT> drmfsbackup D: -mode cold
In this example, the command is used to perform an online backup concurrently for the mount
point directories D:, E:, and F:\MNT specified in the mount point directory target definition file
PROMPT> drmfsbackup APP1
Basic commands90