Creating RAID arrays in the EFI shell - White Paper

711747-001 3
Example 1 – To display a list of available commands for the configuration utility use:
Shell> rcfgsata
Shell> rcfgsata /?
Example 2 – To display a list of available commands for RCfgScu.efi:
Shell> rcfgscu
Results in:
Intel(R) UEFI RAID Utility for SCU - v3.6.0.1006
RCfgScu.efi [/?] [/Y] [/Q] [/C:vol_name] [/SS:strip_size] [/L:raid_level]
[/S:vol_size] [/DS:disk_id] [/D:vol_name]
/X] [/I] [/P] [/U] [/ST] [/SP] [/V]
/? Displays Help Screen. Other options ignored.
/Y Suppress any user input. Used with options /C, /D, & /X.
/Q Quiet mode / No output. Should not be used with status commands.
COMMANDS - Only one at a time.
/C Create a volume with the specified name.
/S, /DS, /SS, & /L can be specified along with /C.
/SS Specify strip size in KB. Only valid with /C.
/L Specify RAID Level (0, 1, 10, or 5). Only valid with /C.
/S Specify volume size in GB or percentage if a '%' is appended.
Percentage must be between 1-100. Only valid with /C.
/DS Selects the disks to be used in the creation of volume.
List should be delimited by spaces.
/D Delete Volume with specified name.
/X Remove all metadata from all disks. Use with /DS to delete
metadata from selected disks.
/I Display All Drive/Volume/Array Information. /P can be specified.
/P Pause display between sections. Only valid with /I or /ST.
/U Do not delete the partition table. Only valid with /C on RAID 1
/ST Display Volume/RAID/Disk Status.
/SP Marks the selected drive(s) as spare(s). Use with /DS
/V Display version information
Example 3 – To display a list of drives on the targeted controller use:
Shell> rcfgscu /I
Results in:
Controller Name: SCU
Physical Disks Controlled by RAID on this controller: