User Manual

List of Examples 13
File name : English-M02-1-040308(Print).doc Print data : 2004/3/9
List of Examples
The following list groups the examples by category.
Getting Started
25 Using Menus
29 Using the Solver
40 Calculating Simple Interest
178 Unit Conversions
190 Simple Interest at an Annual Rate
(RPN example on page 276)
General Business Calculations
50 Percent Change
51 Percent of Total
52 Markup as a Percent of Cost
52 Markup as a Percent of Price
53 Using Shared Variables
159 Return on Equity
Currency Exchange Calculations
57 Calculating an Exchange Rate
58 Storing an Exchange Rate
59 Converting between Hong Kong and U.S Dollars
Time Value of Money
67 A Car Loan
68 A Home Mortgage
69 A Mortgage with a Balloon Payment
71 A Savings Account