Owner manual

Mozilla browsers share sessions when launched separately.
Separate sessions are shared in Mozilla when launched from the desktop. However they are
not shared in Internet Explorer. I get security messages or partially displayed pages when browsing into HP SMH from Internet
Explorer running on Windows 2003.
Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows 2003 Server has different default security settings. To prevent
the problem, add each managed system to the local intranet zone twice, once as
http://hostname:2301 and once more as https://hostname:2381. The alternatives
to this solution are to decrease the level of security settings in the browser (not recommended)
or alter the browser security settings to allow cookies (both stored and per-session) and allow
active scripting. My browser page does not display all contents. What is wrong?
Frame sizes are optimized for medium fonts. If you switch your browser to use larger or smaller
fonts, manually adjust the frame layout using the mouse. Why does the browser prompt me to accept cookies when accessing a system?
Browser cookies are required to track user state and security. Cookies must be enabled in the
browser and prompting for acceptance of cookies should be disabled. When I browse to https://ipaddress:2381 on a local machine or a remote machine
running Windows 2003, I don't see the Sign in screen.
Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows 2003 sometimes causes only the Account Sign in text in a
blue bar to appear, instead of the entire Sign in page. This issue occurs when browsing on a
local system or a remote system.
To resolve the issue, enable Javascript support and add this site to the Trusted sites list. Why am I not able to use the Back button in the browser to navigate?
At this time, HP System Management Homepage does not support the use of the Back button
in the browser for navigation.
To navigate within HP SMH you can use the navigational links (breadcrumb links) that appear
in the header frame below the page title.
13.3 Installation Problems After running setup.exe /r on a Windows system to import certificates, the installation
Do not use setup.exe /r to import or copy certificates. Instead, use the Configure or Repair
Agents tool in HP SIM. When installing HP SMH, I receive the following error: another instance is running.
The HP SMH installation attempted to install on a system that had files that are corrupted, or
the installation was aborted.
To resolve this issue, navigate to the \temp directory on the HP SMH system and delete the
smhlock.tmp file. When installing HP SMH, I receive the following errors: error: cannot get exclusive
lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages error: cannot open Packages index using
db3 - Operation not permitted (1) error: cannot open Packages database
in /var/lib/rpm.
This error appears when more than one instance of the install action is initiated on a Linux
system. Only one HP SMH installation can run at a time.
13.4 IP Address Problems Why do I get a security warning when I browse to HP SMH with an IPv6 address?
To use IPv6 addresses, you need the following browsers:
Windows OS Internet Explorer 7
Linux OS Mozilla Firefox
76 Troubleshooting topics