Product Guide

Button Function
This POI group has no subgroups. Tapping it does not
perform any action.
The POI group is not displayed on the map. However, some
of its subgroups might be displayed according to their
individual settings.
500 m
The POI group is displayed on the map starting from this
zoom level. Some of its subgroups might be hidden, or
displayed from different zoom levels according to their
individual settings.
Tap this button to edit the visibility of the POI group.
3. When you edit the visibility of a POI group or subgroup, a new screen is displayed:
You have the following options:
Button Function
This is the icon of the POI group. This icon is displayed on
the map when the group is visible. Tap it to choose another
icon for the edited POI group or subgroup.
Tap any of the radio buttons to choose a new visibility level
for the edited POI group or subgroup.
All in Current Category Check this box, and the visibility level of all the subgroups
of the edited POI category is overwritten with the value set
here. This does not start any dependency between the
group and its subgroups. If you wish to have uniform
visibility for the whole group, tap the button again.
Night mode
Using the automatic night mode, your Travel Companion switches between the daylight and night color
schemes a few minutes before sunrise and a few minutes after sunset based on the time and location
information provided by your GPS. Set Night mode permanently on or off to display only the daylight
or the night color scheme.
Zoom settings
The Auto zoom (or Smart zoom) feature offers a lot more than just the usual automatic zoom.
While navigating a route: When approaching a turn, it zooms in and raises the view angle to let
you easily recognize your maneuvre at the next junction. If the next turn is at a distance, it zooms
out and lowers the view angle to be flat to let you see the road in front of you. It can switch to an
Overview mode to let you follow your position on the map.
While cruising: If there is no active route and you are just cruising, Smart zoom can zoom in if
you drive slowly and zoom out when you drive at a high speed.
Auto zoom
Turn Auto zoom on to configure your Travel Companion to perform the automatic map scaling and
tilting. You can turn off this feature to navigate with a fixed zoom level and vertical view angle.
58 Chapter 14 Settings