HP SureStore AutoBackup Administrator's Guide - Not Orderable

For Windows 2000, disaster recovery is not possible for systems with a
dynamic disk configuration.
Any protected computer using the new encrypted file system available with
Windows 2000 NTFS version 5 cannot be backed up or restored.
If a system is configured with mixed SCSI and EIDE Hard Disk Drives, then
disaster recovery is only supported for systems with no more than three disks.
If there is a problem, what are the symptoms?
The data on the CD-ROM(s) is not complete.
The current CD is taking a very long time to write.
The CD tray doesn't open when the button is pressed.
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Using Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery is initiated by creating bootable CD-ROM disks, and using them to
help re-create the information on the hard disk of the protected computer.
Insert the disaster recovery CD-ROM before the machine boots up. Follow the
instructions on screen.
If there are problems, what are the symptoms?
The computer doesn't boot from the CD drive.
The installation process begins but crashes.
The computer doesn't have a CD drive
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Creating Disaster Recovery
When the protected computer doesn't boot from the CD-ROM drive, or has a SCSI
CD-ROM drive, then disaster recovery can only be initiated by creating a bootable
floppy disk. A CD-ROM drive is still required for use of disaster recovery.
If there are problems, what are the symptoms?
The disk hasn't been written to.
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Troubleshooting,Disaster Recovery CDs
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