User's Manual

HP StoreVirtual CLI| Commands| 77
serverName Required The name of the server
description Optional Optional description
allowiSCSIAccess Optional Allow iSCSI access for this host. This can be one of: 0 = disable or 1 =
enable. If volumes are attached to a client server via iSCSI and a value
of 0 is entered, the client server will lose its ability to communicate with
the attached volumes. If an IQN is entered and FibreChannel is NOT
configured, the default will be 1, otherwise no default will be selected.
vipLoadBalance Optional Use VIP load balancing for this host. This can be one of: 0 = disabled
or 1 = enabled, 1 is the default.
useCHAP Optional Use CHAP Authentication this host. This can be one of: 0 = disabled or
1 = enabled.
initiator Optional A semicolon delimited string of host IQN's. Valid characters are any
letter, number, international character or '-', '.' and ':' characters.
targetSecret Optional The CHAP target secret for the volume.
chapName Optional The CHAP name for the volume. If this is not specified, the IQN of
the local server is used (this parameter is required if run on a storage
initiatorSecret Optional The CHAP initiator secret for the volume.
controllingserver Optional Enter the IP address of the client server that has Application Aware
Snapshot Manager (AASM) installed on it. It will coordinate the
snapshot with the applications using SAN volumes. This is required
for managed snapshots of FibreChannel connected volumes. This is
also required for VMware managed snapshots, enter the Virtual Center
Server IP address.
allowfcaccess Optional Allow FibreChannel ports to be assigned to the client. This can be one
of: 0 = disable or 1 = enable. If volumes are attached to a client server
via FibreChannel and a value of 0 is entered, the client will lose its
ability to communicate with the attached volumes.
wwpn Optional A semicolon delimited list of the unique World Wide Port Name for one
or more FibreChannel ports. Expected WWPN formatting is 16 Hex
characters with or without the ':' character as a delimiter. For example:
20:21:00:0E:B3:01:AB:C6 or 2021000EB301ABC6. Lower case hex
characters a-f are also accepted.
bootvolumelun Optional The LUN (1-255) of the boot volume. Valid only for a FibreChannel
attached volume. (Note: LUN 255 not supported by Microsoft
bootvolumename Optional The volume name of the boot volume. Valid only for a FibreChannel
attached volume.
cliq modifyServer serverName=TheServer useCHAP=0
login= userName=admin passWord=secret
cliq modifyServer serverName=TheServer useCHAP=0
This command modifies a site in a multi-site SAN.
Availability: Windows, SSH
Version: 8.0