Dictionary/3000 Reference Manual (32244-90001)

110 Chapter4
DICTDBM Commands
Depending on the subcommand used, one of the following prompts is issued:
YES OR NO You must respond to this prompt with Y, Yes, N or No.
CATEGORY Enter the name of an existing category which is to be purged from the
Dictionary (20 characters maximum).
CLASS Enter the identifying number of an existing security class which is to be
purged from the Dictionary (0 to 9999).
(N/Y)? Enter Y to purge the entity and all references to it from the Dictionary.
Note that entering N or pressing [[RETURN]] in response to this prompt
means that no action is taken.
ELEMENT Enter the name of an existing data element which is to be purged from the
Dictionary (20 characters maximum).
FILE Enter the name of an existing file which is to be purged from the
Dictionary (20 characters maximum).
GROUP Enter the name of an existing HP Inform group which is to be purged from
the Dictionary (20 characters maximum). NOTE: $MENU cannot be
(Y/N)? Enter Y or press [[RETURN]] to display all related files and elements as
well as files and elements that were purged. Enter N if you do not want
this listing.
LOCATION Enter the name of an existing physical location which is to be purged from
the Dictionary (20 characters maximum).
PROCEDURE Enter the name of an existing procedure which is to be purged from the
Dictionary (20 characters maximum).
CHILD Enter Y to purge all related child files and FILES(Y/N)? all references to
these files. Note that a child file is not purged if it is related to another
parent file. Enter N to purge only the specified file and all references to
that file. You must enter YES, Y, NO, or N; there is no default response.
(Y/N)? Enter Y to purge all associated (i.e., member) elements and all references
to these elements. Note that an element is not purged if it is associated
with other files or with other elements. Enter N if you do not want
associated elements purged. You must enter YES, Y, NO, or N; there is no
default response.