Dictionary/3000 Reference Manual (32244-90001)

222 Chapter6
The Dictionary DICTPDE Utility
DICTPDE Naming Considerations
DICTPDE Naming Considerations
When an entity is extracted from the Dictionary, DICTPDE checks that the entity name is
compatible with PASCAL. If the entity name defined in the Dictionary is an illegal
PASCAL name (for example, the name contains a hyphen) or the entity name is a PASCAL
reserved word, an error message will be issued and DICTPDE will convert the names to
legal PASCAL names. Note that the names generated by DICTPDE will not be reflected in
the Dictionary.
The following describes how DICTPDE converts entity names that are not compatible with
If the entity name as defined in the Dictionary begins with a character other than an
alphabetic character, DICTPDE converts the first letter of the name to a d (for “dummy”)
as shown below: If the entity name in the Dictionary is:
The following PASCAL name will be generated:
If an entity name as defined in the Dictionary consists of any characters other than
alphabetic or numeric characters, or underscores (__), that character will be converted to
an underscore. (Any hyphens or minus signs are converted to underscores.) If the entity
name in the Dictionary is:
The following PASCAL name will be generated:
If the entity name extracted from the Dictionary is a PASCAL reserved word, DICTPDE
will append “__reswd” to the end of the entity name. For example, if the entity name in the
Dictionary is:
The following PASCAL name will be generated: