Dictionary/3000 Reference Manual (32244-90001)

A DICTDBM Error Messages
DICTDBM generates two types of messages on the user terminal - Error Messages and
Information Messages. Information Messages are conditions that DICTDBM informs the
user about, but are not errors. Both kinds of messages are found in this appendix or in the
appropriate reference manual for the indicated subsystem.
Error Messages have the following format:
*ERROR: error-message (error-type error-number )
Information Messages have the following format:
*INFO: error-message (error-type error-number )
Error-type is one the following:
USER The error is caused by a user of DICTDBM and may usually be corrected
by entering a different response.
PROG The error is due to an error in DICTDBM'S environment and may usually
be corrected by the Systems Engineer.
SYSTEM The error is due to constraints of the system DICTDBM is running on and
may be corrected by the operator.
TRAP The error is due to an internal error in DICTDBM and its occurrence
should be called to the attention of the Systems Engineer.
DICT The error is caused by the user and may usually be corrected by entering a
different response. These are errors that help maintain the integrity of the
IMAGE The error is an IMAGE database error and is not documented in this
appendix. Consult the IMAGE/3000 Reference Manual.
MPEF The error is an MPE file system error and is not documented in this
appendix. Consult the MPE 3000 System Error Messages and Recovery
Reference Manual.
Error-number is the number listed in this manual for types USER, PROG, SYSTEM,
TRAP or DICT. It is also the number of the error meaningful to either the IMAGE
database system or the MPE file system.