Dictionary/3000 Reference Manual (32244-90001)

Chapter 4 87
DICTDBM Commands
Displays information about an entity established with the CREATE, ADD, and/or
RELATE commands.
[option] DISPLAY subcommand D
Use the DISPLAY command to display the attributes of an entity and, if applicable, the
direct relationships and the direct associations of that entity.
A direct relationship is the relationship between the displayed entity and its parent entity.
A direct association is the association between the displayed entity and the entity that
owns it (the entity with which the displayed entity is associated).
The subcommand identifies the entity to be displayed. If ELEMENT, FILE, or
PROCEDURE is used as the subcommand, then the attribute, relationship, and
association information for that entity is displayed. If CATEGORY, CLASS, or GROUP is
used as the subcommand, the attribute and relationship information for that entity is
displayed. If LOCATION is used as the subcommand, only the attribute information for
that entity is displayed. A complete list of entities that can be displayed is given below
under Subcommands. Selection Criteria can also be used to select the entity or entities to
be displayed. Refer to Using Selection Criteria in Section III for more information.
To display the attribute information and, if applicable, the direct relationships and direct
associations for all the entities for a subcommand, enter an exclamation mark (!) or press
[[RETURN]] in response to the prompt. (Only 1 prompt is issued for each subcommand
used.) Note that the exclamation mark and [[RETURN]] are used differently for the
DISPLAY command than for most commands. The PRINT option can be used with the
command string to print more descriptive information on the line printer in addition to the
information normally displayed on the terminal. This information includes the
information that was entered when the relationship or association was made.
Any of the following subcommands can be used with the DISPLAY command:
CATEGORY displays attribute information for a category plus all the
directly related categories
CLASS displays attribute information for a user security class
plus the directly related classes
ELEMENT displays attribute information for an element plus the
directly associated and/or related entities
FILE displays attribute information for a file plus the directly
associated and/or directly related entities
GROUP displays attribute information for an HP Inform group
plus the directly related entities and any associated