ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

264 Chapter8
ALLBASE/SQL Error Messages: 8221-10999
ACTION Modify the command to specify a value within the valid
10966 MESSAGE No prepared query found by this command name.
(DBERR 10966)
CAUSE The EXECUTE statement contained a command name
which was not prepared in the same subprogram unit.
ACTION Check your spelling. If the command name is correct,
insert an appropriate PREPARE statement before the
EXECUTE statement and re-preprocess your program.
10967 MESSAGE Cannot open command with host variable
parameters. (DBERR 10967)
CAUSE You specified a host variable in your DECLARE CURSOR
ACTION Remove the host variable from your DECLARE CURSOR
statement and re-preprocess your program.
10968 MESSAGE A cursor on a PREPAREd command is illegal for
non-dynamic queries. (DBERR 10968)
CAUSE The cursor you specified wasassociated with a PREPAREd
dynamic query. A cursor with a non-dynamic query should
be used.
ACTION Change the query to use a cursor associated with a
non-dynamic query or change the query to a dynamic
query. Refer to the ALLBASE/SQL application
programming guide for the language you are using for
additional information.
10969 MESSAGE A cursor on a PREPAREd command is required
for dynamic queries. (DBERR 10969)
CAUSE The cursor you specified was not associated with a
PREPAREd dynamic query. A cursor associated with a
dynamic query should be used.
ACTION Change the query to use a cursor associated with a
dynamic query or change the query to a non-dynamic
query. Refer to the ALLBASE/SQL application
programming guide for the language you are using for
additional information.
10970 MESSAGE Warnings when connecting to DBEnvironment.
(DBERR 10970)
CAUSE Additional messages will be returned.
ACTION Refer to the cause and action of the additional messages.
10971 MESSAGE Warnings when beginning transaction. (DBERR