ALLBASE/SQL Message Manual (36216-90213)

310 Chapter10
ALLBASE/SQL Error Messages: 22800-
31902 MESSAGE Server login does not exist on server node.
(DBERR 31902)
CAUSE Specified user, account or group does not exist on server.
ACTION Check 'Get xxx Passwd - No such login' message in server
log file (where xxx = user, account or
group) to determine which part of login failed. Have
system or account manager create account, user or group
or use NETUtil to change server login.
31903 MESSAGE Error streaming server job. (DBERR 31903)
CAUSE Internal error. Errors could be in obtaining process id,
building or accessing temporary file or streaming
temporary job.
ACTION Check 'Server' message in server log file
for more specific information.
31904 MESSAGE Error obtaining home group for server login.
(DBERR 31904)
CAUSE Internal error. Errors could be in obtaining server process
id, building or accessing temporary file or executing
ACTION Check 'Get xxx Passwd' message in server log file (where xxx = user, account or group) for
more specific information.
31905 MESSAGE No home group specified for server login.
(DBERR 31905)
CAUSE You did not specify a group in the NETUsers file for the
mapped server login, and no home group was set up for the
server login either.
ACTION Use the MPE/iX ALTUSER command to add a home group
for the server login, or specify a login group for the server
login in the NETUsers file. for more specific information.
31992 MESSAGE Corresponding ALLBASE/NET error not found for
error (!) (DBERR 31992)
CAUSE An error number has been generated that cannot be
handled by the client.
ACTION Record as much information as possible and contact your
HP Service Representative or Response Center.
31994 MESSAGE No entry found in password file on server
node. (DBERR 31994)
CAUSE The user name you specified by the PC API logon is not
defined on this server.
ACTION Verify that the user name sent by the PC is the correct