ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual (36216-90216)

330 Chapter10
SQL Statements A - D
The CREATE DBEFILESET statement defines a DBEFileSet. A DBEFileSet is a group of
related DBEFiles; as such, it serves as a mechanism for allocating and deallocating file
space for tables.
ISQL or Application Programs
SQL Syntax
specifies the name to be given to the new DBEFileSet. Two
DBEFileSets in the same DBEnvironment cannot have the same name.
The CREATE DBEFILESET statement records the new DBEFileSet name in the system
catalog with an indication that no physical storage is associated with the DBEFileSet.
You associate physical storage with a DBEFileSet by associating DBEFiles with the
DBEFileSet, using the ADD DBEFILE statement. Then you can associate a table and its
indexes with the DBEFileSet by using the CREATE TABLE statement. ALLBASE/SQL
allocates all data and index pages for a table to DBEFiles in the DBEFileSet named in
the IN clause of the CREATE TABLE statement. If automatic DBEFile expansion is not
being used when you need more space for a table, you add another DBEFile to the
DBEFileSet associated with the table when the CREATE TABLE statement was issued.
To remove a DBEFile from a DBEFileSet, you use the REMOVE DBEFILE statement.
If a LONG column uses the IN
clause, ALLBASE/SQL allocates all LONG
data pages for that column in DBEFiles in the DBEFileSet specified. If automatic
DBEFile expansion is not being used when more space is needed for the LONG column,
you add another DBEFile to the DBEFileSet associated with the LONG column when
the column was defined.
To delete the definition of a DBEFileSet, use the DROP DBEFILESET statement.
One DBEFileSet is created automatically when the START DBE NEW statement is
issued -- the SYSTEM DBEFileSet. The system catalog resides in the SYSTEM
DBEFileSet. Those parts of the system catalog that are needed to start up a
DBEnvironment reside in DBEFile0. You may add a DBEFile to the SYSTEM