ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual (36216-90216)

Chapter 2 61
Creating DBEnvironments
If you want to specify the name of the DBEnvironment in a native language, then the
native language you specify in the LANG clause must be covered by the same character set
as the language designated as the current language at the operating system level. The
current language can be different from that of the DBEnvironment. In that case, all
processing--including comparisons and sorting--will take place in accordance with the
language of the DBEnvironment, but messages will appear in the
operating-system-designated language if the appropriate message catalog is available.
Also, scanning of user input will be in the current language. See “Native Language
Support” in Chapter 1 , “Introduction,” for information about specifying a native language
as the current language.
Initial Privileges
When a DBEnvironment is configured, ALLBASE/SQL grants the following initial
DBECreator status. The logon name that issues the START DBE NEW statement is the
DBECreator. Users with this status can use all the SQLUtil statements to maintain
the DBEnvironment.
DBA authority. The DBECreator is given DBA authority. When you have DBA
authority, you are authorized to use all the SQL statements in a DBEnvironment.
Nobody other than the DBECreator can connect to or issue SQL statements in the
DBEnvironment until the DBECreator grants the appropriate authorities.
DBA authority cannot be revoked from the DBECreator.