ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual (36216-90216)

62 Chapter2
Starting and Terminating a DBE Session
Starting and Terminating a DBE Session
A DBE session is the period between establishing and terminating a connection to a
DBEnvironment by a user or a program. You must be in a DBE session to execute any of
the SQL statements except the START DBE or CONNECT statements.
You can establish either a single-user DBE session or a multiuser DBE session for a
DBEnvironment. When you have a single-user session, no other users can connect to the
DBEnvironment for the duration of that session. When you have a multiuser session,
others can access the DBEnvironment at the same time.
How you establish a DBE session depends on whether the DBEnvironment is configured to
operate in autostart mode. Autostart is ON by default, but the DBA can reset it by using
SQLUtil. Refer to the “DBA Tasks and Tools” chapter in the ALLBASE/SQL Database
Administration Guide for more information about using SQLUtil.
Sessions with Autostart
When the autostart flag for a DBEnvironment has the value of ON, users with CONNECT
authority can start a DBE session by using the CONNECT statement:
CONNECT TO 'PartsDBEC.SomeGrp.SomeAcct'
Initiate a single-user session if the DBEnvironment is configured to operate in single-user
mode. Initiate a multiuser session if the DBEnvironment is configured for multiuser mode.
You can have up to 32 simultaneous DBEnvironment connections.
Sessions without Autostart
When the autostart flag has the value of OFF, a DBA must issue the START DBE statement
to make a DBEnvironment accessible. For example:
START DBE 'PartsDBE.SomeGrp.SomeAcct'
The START DBE statement illustrated above initiates a single-user session for the
DBEnvironment. To make multiuser access possible, the
option is specified as
START DBE 'PartsDBE.SomeGrp.SomeAcct
After a DBEnvironment has been started up with the
option, users with CONNECT
authority can initiate multiuser sessions as in the following example:
CONNECT TO 'PartsDBE.SomeGrp.SomeAcct'
The START DBE statement also lets the DBA temporarily override several of the DBECon
file startup parameters.
Terminating DBE Sessions
To terminate a DBE session, you simply specify the RELEASE statement as shown below: