ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual (36216-90216)

82 Chapter2
Manipulating Data
You can copy rows from one or more tables or views into another table by using a form of
the INSERT statement (often called a type 2 Insert) in which you specify the following
1. A table or view name
2. A SELECT statement
Note that the numbers in the next example refer to the items listed above:
SELECT * FROM PurchDB.Parts -- 2
WHERE PartName LIKE 'Drives%'
The rows in the query result produced by the SELECT statement are inserted into
PurchDB.Drives. The SELECT statement cannot contain an ORDER BY clause and cannot
name the target table in the FROM clause. The target table must exist prior to an INSERT
Updating Data
You change data in one of more columns by using the UPDATE statement. These are the
components of the UPDATE statement:
1. The name of a table or a view
2. A SET clause
3. A WHERE clause
The following example illustrates the UPDATE statement and its components; the reference
numbers identify the components listed above.
UPDATE PurchDB.Parts --1
SET SalesPrice = 15.95 --2
WHERE PartNumber = '9999-AJ' --3
Only a single table name or view name can be specified. Only certain views can be used to
update, as described under “Updatability of Queries” in Chapter 3 , “SQL Queries.” For
each column to be updated, you specify a column name and value in the SET clause. NULLis
a valid value for columns that can contain null values. Unless you specify a WHERE clause,
rows of the named table or view are updated. A search condition in this clause
describes which rows to update. The search condition in the previous example specifies
that the row(s) to be updated must name PartNumber 9999-AJ.
Deleting Data
You use the DELETE statement to delete entire rows. This statement has two components
as follows:
1. A table or view name
2. A WHERE clause