HP RPG/XL Programmer's Guide (30318-90001)

4-: 59
Figure 4-30. Using Function Keys with RSI
1 This line reads the RSI form and the settings of the function
2 This line tests the first element of STAT for the value 1123
(which indicates that F4 was pressed).
Using Command Key Indicators with RSI. If you enabled a command key when
you defined the form using SIGEDITOR, you can use the associated command
key indicator in the program to set indicators and to condition
operations. See "Creating an RSI Form" at the beginning of this chapter
for information on enabling the command keys.
If the user presses a command key that you did not enable, the message
"COMMAND KEY NOT ENABLED AT THIS TIME", is displayed momentarily.
Figure 4-31 shows how to use command key 3 (command key indicator KC) to
condition an EXSR operation.
Figure 4-31. Using the RSI Command Keys