HP RPG/XL Programmer's Guide (30318-90001)

3-: 4
Figure 3-2. Creating a KSAM File Within an RPG Program Comments
1 This line defines the input customer transaction file, TRANSFL.
2 This line defines the master transaction file, MASTFL.
Column 15 is O to indicate that the file is an output file.
Columns 20-23 are blank to specify that there is one record per
Columns 24-27 contain 256 to specify the number of characters
per record.
Columns 29-30 contain 5 to specify the number of characters in
the key field.
Columns 35-38 contain 1 to specify the starting position of the
key field.
Column 66 is blank (not A) to start writing data at the
beginning of the output file.
3 This line gives more details about the KSAM file, MASTFL.
Column 53 is K to indicate that this line is a Continuation
Columns 54-59 contain the option name, KEYFL.
Columns 60-65 contain the name of the KSAM key file, MASTFLK.
Column 69 contains D to allow duplicate keys (optional).
Column 70 contains C to maintain the chronological order of
duplicate keys (optional).
4 This line starts the description of the input record format for
5 This line starts the description of the output record format for