HP RPG/XL Programmer's Guide (30318-90001)

A: 3
* Full screen capability using standard RPG specifications.
* Lets you use message files and dynamically change screen attributes.
* Generates an RSI forms file from the file's Input Specifications (RSI
CONSOLE files).
RPG Features That Are Different
The following HP RPG features are different from IBM RPG:
Printer Files
For programs that use carriage control tape channels other than Channel 1
for printer files, add Line Counter Specifications to equate each channel
to a particular line number. Otherwise, the compiler equates Channel 1
to line 6 and the overflow line to line 60. Also, Channels 2-12 are
equated to the line numbers obtained by multiplying the channel numbers
by 5.
Edit Words
HP RPG handles edit words as follows:
* All blanks in edit words are replaceable characters. (To print the
blank character, included an ampersand (&) in the edit word.)
* Constants are allowed to the right of an edit word.
* The floating dollar sign is not a replaceable character.
* Fields containing all zeros are positive.
* The edit field can be smaller or larger than the number of
replaceable characters in the edit word. Extra characters are
truncated or leading zeros are added.
* All constants that follow a significant digit are printed (except for
a minus or credit sign following a positive number).
Differences in Character Codes
HP RPG uses the American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(ASCII) Character Set/Collating Sequence. If your system has Katakana
characters installed, you use the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS). IBM
System/3 and System 360 use Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
Code (EBCDIC). In Japan, this is EBCDIK. The items below summarize the
differences in these character sets:
* Alphabetic characters are higher in the ASCII collating sequence than
numeric characters. This affects compare and matching field
operations. You can use the Header Specification (column 26) to
generate an EBCDIC or EBCDIK alternate collating sequence table.
Also, you can use columns 54-59 in the File Description Continuation
line to generate file translation tables for EBCDIC-TO-ASCII (EBCDIK
to JIS) or ASCII-to-EBCDIC (JIS to EBCDIK) conversion.
* You must convert all existing translation tables (including alternate
collating sequence and file translation tables) to ASCII (JIS)
* Move Zone operations using ASCII (JIS) may yield results that are
different from the same operations using EBCDIC or EBCDIK (these
differences involve special characters).
Device Class Names
HP device class names have no established values except for a few
reserved names such as WORKSTN, STDIN and STDLIST. They are defined then
the operating system is installed. Therefore, HP RPG accepts all values
for device class names. When entering a device class name in the File
Description Specification, be sure to use the same name assigned during
system generation.