MPE/iX Glossary of Terms and Acronyms (32650-90887)

Chapter 1 59
Glossary of Terms
span To spread related data across volume sets.
spoolfile A file awaiting printing. This file can reside on disk or can be moved to
tape. A spoolfile may be either OPEN, ACTIVE, READY, or LOCKED. These
states describe different stages of the spooling process depending upon
whether the file is an input or output spoolfile.
spool SPOOL is an acronym for "simultaneous peripheral operations online".
Spooling allows many processes to simultaneously write output for a
single printer.
spreadsheet A program that allows the user to enter data into row and column
positions (known as "cells"). A spreadsheet program provides
mathematical manipulation of the values in the cells.
stack A data structure in which items are added at the end of a sequential list
and can only be retrieved from the same end.
standard input A system-defined file that provides input for programs. This file can be a
device (for example, a keyboard or printer), or an actual data file. The
formal file designator for standard input is $STDIN or $STDINX.
standard output A system-defined file that holds output from a batch job (including the
job statements and error messages). This file can be a device (for example,
a terminal screen or printer), or an actual file. The formal file designator
for standard output is $STDLIST.
star network A point-to-point network topology. The star topology is often used for
centralized data collection or supervisory control. It is also used when a
central node has a large database or control program that is accessed by
the other nodes. In a star network, there is at most one intervening node
between any two nodes. Star networks are vulnerable to failure of the
central node. If the central node fails, no network communication is
START An initial system loader (ISL) utility, and its options, used to start the
system from disk, building the system data structures. This utility is used
to recover from a hang or failure or to reboot the system after scheduled
downtime. The START RECOVERY option is equivalent to the MPE V/E
WARMSTART procedure, and the START NORECOVERY option is
equivalent to the MPE V/E COOLSTART procedure.
static backup Backup is static when the files and structures are inaccessible during the
time that they are being stored. That is, they are locked exclusively by the
backup subsystem.
status bits or words Bits (or words, if status words are used) that indicate the condition
of a device. The status bits or word can be checked by a program or
microcode and, based upon the value, a specific sequence of instructions
$STDIN A system-defined file name referring to the standard input "file" (which
can be an actual file or a device). $STDIN often refers to the keyboard for
interactive sessions and a file for batch jobs or programs. $STDIN treats a
colon (:) appearing in the first column of input data as an end-of-file. See