Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

Chapter 9 117
KSAM Intrinsics
46 I32 File group identifier: The file group identifier (GID). Zero is returned as
the group ID for root directories where GIDs have not been explicitly
47 U32 File type: Following are valid file types that can be returned:
0 = Ordinary file
1 = KSAM/3000
2 = RIO
4 = CIR
5 = Native Mode Spool File
6 = MSG
7 = KSAM64
8 = N/A
9 = Directory
10-11= N/A
12 = Pipe
13 = FIFO
14 = Symbolic Link
15 = Device Link
48 U32 Record type: Following are valid record types that can be returned:
0 = fixed
1 = variable
2 = undefined
3 = spool block
4 = root directory
5 = N/A
6 = account directory
7 = group directory
8 = N/A
9 = byte stream
10 = hierarchical directory
49 I64 Current file size (in bytes): The value returned represents the current
position of the end-of-file (EOF) and may not reflect the number of bytes
actually occupied by the file on disk if the file is sparsely allocated.
50 I32 KSAM XLFile Version: This item returns a value indicating the version
number of a KSAM XL file. A value of 1 indicates an original type
KSAM XL file. A value of 2 indicates the next generation KSAM XL file.
A value of zero is returned if the file is not a KSAM XL file.
51 I32 KSAM XL Parameters: This item returns file information about KSAM
Table 9-5. FLABELINFO Itemnum/Item Values
Itemnum Mnemonic Item Description