Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

Chapter 9 155
KSAM Intrinsics
CA Default: A nameless file is assigned that can be read from or written to,
but not saved. (The domain of a nameless file must be new.)
Only one of the following options can be in effect when a file is opened:
3 I32 Domain:
Passes a value indicating which file domain MPE/iX searches to locate
the file. A nameless disk file must always be a new file. A device file (such
as a tape or terminal) always resides in the system file domain
(permanent file directory). Always specify a device file as old or
The following values are valid:
0 The file is a new temporary file. It is not placed in a
1 The file is a permanent file, found in the system file
2 The file is a temporary file, found in the job file domain.
3 The file is anold (permanent or temporary) file. The job
file domain is searched first. If the file is not found, the
system file domain is searched.
4 The file is created, placed in the permanent file
directory, and becomes a permanent file.
Default: 0
5 I32 Designator:
Passes a value indicating a special file opening. Any of the following
special files can be specified with the
=2. For example, a file
name of $STDLIST opens the standard list device. The following values
are valid:
0 Allows all other options to specify the file.
1 The actual file designator is $STDLIST.
2 The actual file designator is $NEWPASS.
3 The actual file designator is $OLDPASS.
4 The actual file designator is $STDIN.
5 The actual file designator is $STDINX.
6 The actual file designator is $NULL.
Table 9-7. HPFOPEN Itemnum/Item Values
Itemnum Mnemonic Item Description