Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

166 Chapter9
KSAM Intrinsics
29 I32 Privileged access:
Passes a value that temporarily restricts access to the file number
returned from HPFOPEN to a calling process whose execution level is
equal to or less than the value specified in this option. This restriction
lasts until the file associated with the restricted file number is closed. Do
not specify a value less than the execution level of the calling process.
The following values are valid:
0 Privilege level zero (most privileged level)
1 Privilege level one
2 Privilege level two
3 Privilege level three (least privileged level)
Default: The execution level of the calling process
33 I32 User labels:
Passes the number, in the range 0 to 254, of user-label records to be
created for the file. Applicable for new disk files only.
Default: 0
35 I32 File size:
Passes the maximum file capacity:
For variable-length records, the capacity is expressed in blocks
blockitem#=recordsize * blockfactor
For fixed-length and undefined-length records, the capacity is
expressed in logical records.
The maximum file size for standard and KSAM XL files is
The maximum file size for KSAM64 files is 128 gigabytes
The maximum file size of 500-megabytes, for RIO, circular, and
message files, is dependent upon both the record size and the number
of extents defined for the file:
For circular and RIO files,
=256 bytes and
For message files,
=128 bytes and
This option is applicable only at file creation.
Default: 2-gigabytes
Table 9-7. HPFOPEN Itemnum/Item Values
Itemnum Mnemonic Item Description