Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

Appendix A 179
COBOL Intrinsics
Filetable Parameter
procedure after the file named in halfwords 2-5 has been
successfully opened. After the file is closed by CKCLOSE,
filenumber is reset to 0. (This number should be set to zero
when the file table is initially defined.) It must be defined
The name of the KSAM file. This name is the actual
designator assigned to the file when it is created with the
KSAMUTIL or MPE/iX BUILD command; filename may be
a formal designator if it is equated to the actual designator
in a FILE command.
input/output type
A code that limits the file access to input only, output only,
or allows both input and output:
0 input only
1 output only
2 input/output
It must be defined as a COMPUTATIONAL item.
access mode
A code that indicates how the file will be processed:
sequentially only, randomly only, or either (dynamically):
0 sequential only
1 random only
2 dynamic (sequential or random)
It must be defined as a COMPUTATIONAL item.
previous operation
A code in the right byte of halfword 8 of the file table
indicating the previous successful operation:
0 previous operation unsuccessful or there has been no
previous operation on this file
1 CKOPEN successful
2 CKSTART successful
3 CKREAD successful
4 CKREADBYKEY successful
5 CKDELETE successful
6 CKWRITE successful
7 CKREWRITE successful
8 CKCLOSE successful
9 CKOPENSHR successful
This field should be set to zero when the file table is
initially defined and thereafter should not be altered by
the programmer. It must be defined as a