Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

Appendix A 181
COBOL Intrinsics
Status Parameter
The current input/output operation was completed successfully; no
duplicate keys were read or written.
Successful completion
Duplicate key
For a CKREAD or a CKREADBYKEY call, the current alternate key has the
same value as the equivalent key in the sequentially following record;
duplicate keys are allowed for the key. For a CKWRITE or CKREWRITE call,
the record just written created a duplicate key value for at least one
alternate key for which duplicates are allowed.
At End condition
In a sequential read using CKREAD, no next logical record was in the file.
Invalid key; Sequence error
A call to CKWRITE attempted to write a record with a key that is not in
sequentially ascending order, to a file opened for sequential access.
A call to CKREWRITE was attempted but the primary key value was
changed by the program since the previous successful call to CKREAD.
Invalid key; Duplicate key
An attempt was made to write or rewrite a record with CKWRITE or
CKREWRITE and the record would create a duplicate key value for a key
where duplicates are prohibited.
Invalid key; No record found
An attempt was made with CKSTART or CKREADBYKEY to access a record
identified by key, but no record is found with the specified key value at the
specified location.
Invalid key; Boundary violation
An attempt was made with a call to CKWRITE to write past the externally
defined boundaries of the file; that is, to write past the end-of-file.
Lock denied
An attempt was made to lock a file already locked by another process; or
file was not opened with dynamic locking allowed.
Unlock denied
An attempt was made to unlock a file with CKUNLOCK, but the file had not
been locked by CKLOCK.
n File system error
A call to an input/output procedure was unsuccessful as a result of a file
system error, not one of the error conditions defined for the other
values. The value of status-key-2 (
) is a binary number between 0 and 255
that corresponds to an MPE file system error code. To convert this binary
value to numeric display format, call the CKERROR routine.