Using KSAM/XL and KSAM 64 (32650-90886)

68 Chapter8
Migration and Mixed Mode Processing
Migrating KSAM Files
the KSAM XL/64 file does not exist, a new file is created. A new file is also created by using
the NEW option.
If you create the file and copy data to it using one command, however, you are not able to
change the key structure. This would not be acceptable when copying variable-length
records because the record length and record type parameters must be modified to
acceptable values.
FCOPY copies data records from the source file in the sequence identified by the primary
key. Use the KEY= option to select a different sequence for copying the records.
, for
example, would copy records in the sequence of the second key of the source file. To retain
the physical layout of the source file, specify KEY=0. This specification copies the records in
the order that they reside in the source file without regard to a key.
The NOKSAM option is not allowed with KSAM XL/64 files.