VISTA Plus for MPE User's Guide

VISTA Plus Demonstration
Search Function Keys
This section provides information on the Search function keys.
Search Forward
This option searches from this point forward for the search value
SearchBy Columns
This option searches for the specified value within defined columns.
VISTA prompts you for beginning and ending column. It then searches
only within those columns for the value.
Search Window
This option performs a search for the value within the active window
only. For example, if you have defined a window containing columns 81
through 132, if the window is active, and if you execute this function
key, VISTA searches for the value only within columns 81 through 132.
Note: You must have windows defined to use this function.
Search For Last
This option searches for the last occurrence of the search value in
the report.
Search by Index Function Keys
This section provides information on the Search Index function keys. These function keys are
displayed only when you have indices defined (for more information on indices, see the section
called Setting Indicesin this demonstration):
First Index
This option searches within the columns (and lines) specified by the first
index defined for this report. The function key label is based on the first
characters of the description assigned to the index.
Second Index
This option searches by the second index defined for this report.
Third Index
This option searches by the third index defined for this report.
Fourth Index
This option searches by the fourth index defined for this report.