VISTA Plus for MPE User's Guide

Chapter 7
Electronic Notes
Electronic Notes can be used to store comments, questions, and additional information with specific
report pages. When you select F1, Notes, from the second set of Viewer function keys, the Notes
function keys are displayed.
Notes Function Keys
This section provides information on the Notes function keys.
Mark Begin
This option marks the first line to which the note you are creating
Mark End
This option marks the last line to which the note you are creating
Notes Window
This option opens the Electronic Notes pop-up window into which you
can enter your note and displays the Notes Window function keys.
Global Notes
This option lets you view all notes created for the report. The Notes
Window only displays notes for the current window. With Global Notes,
you can view notes defined for other pages as well as the current page.
Previous Keys
This option returns you to the second set of Viewer function keys.