VISTA Plus for MPE User's Guide

Viewing a Report
Primary Column Management Function Keys
This section provides information on the Primary Column Management function keys. These
function keys are displayed after selecting Column Management from the VISTA Functions menu.
Mark Begin
This option marks the first line for which you want totals calculated.
Mark End
This option marks the last line for which you want totals calculated.
Select Columns
This option moves the cursor to the right, highlighting the column for
which totals will be calculated. You can only calculate totals for one
column at a time. To move back (to the left), press Shift+Tab.
Create Columns
This option reformats a report by creating column breaks using whatever
line is at the top of the screen for the template for break point. This is
useful when you are downloading a report as a comma-delimited file.
Total Columns
This option calculates the totals for the selected lines and column. A
small window appears listing the total of the values, an average of these
values, and the total number of items included in the calculations.
Clear Columns
This option clears any currently existing column breaks.
Next Keys
This option displays the next set of Column Management function keys.
Previous Keys
This option returns you to the second set of Viewer function keys.