VISTA Plus for MPE User's Guide

Viewing a Report
Configuration Option Fields
Print Buf Size
This field displays the number of characters to send in one block to a
local printer. The default value for this field is 256. You do not need to
alter this value unless you are receiving print buffer overflows when
printing to a slave printer.
Honor Page Breaks
This field can be used to enable or disable page breaks. By default, page
breaks are ignored on $STDLIST files. To enable page breaks, set this
field to Y.
Horizontal Scroll
This field displays the number of columns to scroll when the right and
left arrow keys are pressed. The default value for this field is 2.
Screen Lines
This field displays the number of text lines supported by the terminal. If
you are using a terminal emulator and the bottom row of users labels
disappear when paging forward, set this value to 21. By default, this
field is set to 22.
Screen Columns
This field displays The number of columns supported by the terminal.
When this field is set to 132, VISTA sends an escape sequence to the
terminal to compress the terminal screen. If the terminal does not
support 132 columns, this field is set back to 80.
Configuration Options Window Function Keys
This section provides information on the Configuration Options Window functions keys.
This option displays the Help window to describe the configuration
Modify Option
This option positions the cursor over field and accepts field value.
Save Changes
This option saves configuration values and closes the Config Options
Close Window
This option closes the Config Options window without saving changes.