VISTA Plus for MPE User's Guide

Chapter 6
Print Options Window Function Keys
This section provides information on the Print Options windows function keys.
Print Local
This option sends the current report to the local printer attached to the PC.
List PrntDefs
This option displays a list of available printer definitions. You can scroll
through the list and select the one to use. When you return to this window,
your selection appears in the Environment field. Turn to the Printer
Definitionssection in this chapter for more information.
Modify Option
This option allows you to modify any of the printer options. The up and down
arrow keys can also be used to select an option to modify. Select the option
you wish to modify and press Enter to execute the change.
List Printers
This option displays a list of printers that can be used. Each printer is
attached to a print device and can have a printer definition associated with it.
When you select a printer, the Device and Environment fields are
automatically supplied.
Execute Print
This option prints the specified pages to the print device entered.
Close Window
This option exits the Print Options window and returns to the report viewer.